Fees and Payment

You can choose between two types of EAPS memberships:

After payment, you will have 24 or 72 months of uninterrupted membership which can always be renewed. 

Your EAPS membership starts on the day you pay the membership fee. From that moment onwards, you can make use of all membership benefits. Membership fees are not refundable. You will be automatically reminded in time about renewal.

Methods of payment

Online payment is the preferred method of payment for your EAPS membership. All members are invited to use our fully renewed, secure online payment system.

Only if it is not possible to use the online system you may transfer the membership fee to: ING Bank, P.O. Box 204, 2501 AT The Hague, Netherlands, to the order of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), IBAN NL60 INGB 0667 4046 27 (BIC INGBNL2A).

Make sure to include your name in the bank transfer and expect some delays for administration.