Instructions for presenters
Regular sessions
Online Presenters
Online presenters should login early to the conference platform using the unique link to their session, which is provided on the conference website: This site shows the full scientific program including all links to the sessions. At the site, you can login and browse the full program, including all abstracts. You can add the sessions you would like to attend to your calendar. Please make sure to always login with the same email address that you used before on the conference website!
Note that all times in the scientific program are Central European Time (CET/Amsterdam/Groningen).
Please join the hybrid session 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time of your session. You will enter the Blackboard Collaborate platform which is the video software used for all regular sessions of the conference. Each session will have a Room Monitor to help with the video platform. After you enter the session, the Room Monitor will give you presenter rights so that you will be able to share your screen. You do not need to download anything; you can just use Blackboard from any internet browser. We strongly recommend to use a headset with a microphone for better audio.
Make sure to test the sharing of your screen before the session starts!
Prepare your presentation and make sure to keep within the allotted time.
Onsite Presenters
Please join the session room 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time of the session.
Prepare to upload your presentation on the conference device in the session room; a presentation computer will be available in each room. The Room Monitor will help you.
We strongly recommend to bring a copy of your presentation on a memory stick. Note that it will not be possible to use your own laptop for the presentation.
How long do you have to present?
There are 4 to 5 presentations in regular sessions. You have 12 minutes for your presentation, followed by discussion.
There are 7 to 8 presentations in a Flash session. You have 5 minutes for your presentation, followed by discussion.
More information about the postercafé can be found here. You can download instructions for poster presenters below. Posters should be send to by June 21st.
Floor Plan Poster Rooms
The numbers refer to the poster submissions, as listed in the conference program at